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Feodor Pavlovich departed, having given up as a bad job. The main thing, in its honesty it was
Time for ever is assured and is, that it will not take anything and will not steal.
Time happens that Feodor Pavlovich, it, has dropped on own court yard
In the dirt, three iridescent pieces of paper which has just received and they have missed on
Other only day: has just rushed to search on pockets, and iridescent
Suddenly at it all already lie three on a table. Whence? it has lifted and still
Yesterday has brought. "Well, the brother, I such as you not it", cut off then Feodor
- also has presented to it ten roubles. It is necessary to add that not only in
Its honesty he has been assured, but for some reason even loved it, though small and on
It looked as slantwise, as well as at others, and it was silent. Seldom happened
Will start talking. If at that time to somebody has taken in head to ask, looking on
It: than this guy is interested and that all more often at it on mind, the right
It would be impossible to decide it, at it looking. And meanwhile it sometimes in the house
- though on a court yard or in the street happened stayed, mused and
Stood so on ten even minutes. The physiognomist, having peered into it, has told
That here neither thoughts, nor thoughts are not present. And so any contemplation. At the painter
Kramsky there is one remarkable picture, under the name the Contemplator:
Wood in the winter, and in wood, on road, in torn off it is represented and
- there is one-odineshenek, in the deepest solitude the come
- , costs and has as though mused, but he does not think, and something "beholds".
If it to push, he would shudder and has looked at you precisely having woken up,
But understanding nothing. However, now also has regained consciousness, and would ask it, about what
It it stood and thought, likely would remember nothing, but likely
Has concealed in itself that impression under which was during the
Contemplation. These impressions to it of road, and it likely saves them,
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