Green Yen Icon
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Tags: imagenes hadas, and png images, imagerunner scanner, imagedupeless 1.5, ugs imageware 12.1
Plain. Legendary Parsa laid down under hoofs of a Macedonian cavalry.
To treasury of Persia, sacred place of crownings and throne receptions
Ahemenidsky dynasty.
At a dawn at several o'clock a way from Persepolisa Macedonians have seen
On road huge crowd. Older persons with green branches - in a peace sign and
Worship - send to them towards. It were it, captured or
Withdrawn by a deceit for work in capital of Persia. Skilful handicraftsmen and
Artists, all of them without an exception have been severely and intentionally crippled: at
Whom brushes of the left hands are chopped off a foot, at others, at the third noses are cut off
Or ears. Have crippled people so that they could perform the job on
To the ability, but could not run home in so pity or frightening
At Alexander indignation tears were screwed. And when cripples, having fallen
Before its horse, began to ask about the help, Alexander has dismounted. Having called up to
To itself(himself) several it leaders of crowd, he has told that will help them
To come back home. Leaders have consulted and, again having approached to patient
To their expecting Alexander, began to ask not to come back about a permission on
The native land where they will be a subject of sneers and pity and to lodge all
Together at their choice. Alexander has approved their decision, ordered to meet half-way them
To main transports of Parmenija and further in Suzu where to each will issue on three thousand
Drachmas, on five clothes, on two it oxen, on fifty sheep and fifty
Wheat measures. With happy shouts, glorifying reigning, cripples have moved further.
Alexander was suffered to the most hated city of Asia as he named
To Alexander and Tais who went hardly it, shaken
Seen, uneasy Ptolemej has approached.
- As they could destroy fine Athenes - temples, it, fountains!
What for? - Has asked in turn Tais.
Alexander has askance looked at Ptolemeja.
- What will my best observer of the countries and the states here answer?
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Free Business Desktop Icons is a collection of 10 ready icons for use in commercial and personal projects, including software, webpages, blogs, and presentations. The graphics are free for personal, frequent and commercial use.
Database Icon Set brings you a variety of stylish and colorful icons for database application development. The images are provided in all the typical icon sizes and file formats include BMP, ICO, GIF and PNG.
Desktop Device Icons are good for personal desktop customization, for software icons, or toolbar icons. This set has it all, from 256x256 Vista sized images to 16x16 toolbar icons.
Business Icon Set. A collection of all-purpose icons with various symbols for the business environment for use with your software or on your website.
E-Mail Icon Set is a library of professionally crafted royalty-free icons for use in commercial and personal products, including software, websites, blogs and presentations.