Dollar Coin Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: jogging images, gthumb image viewer, imagenes calientes, cashier image, images wallpaper
I silently has given it a five-copeck coin. Attracting looked at me
Angry eyes. The militiaman has inspected a five-copeck coin and,
Having said with satisfaction: "aha...", Has opened the passport.
It studied the passport, as the bibliophile studies the rare
it. I painfully waited. Around slowly grew
Crowd. In crowd different opinions on my bill were expressed.
- It is necessary to pass, - has told, at last,
The militiaman.
We have passed. While we passed, in crowd
The accompanying some variants of mine have been created
The hard biography a number of the reasons also has been formulated,
Called begun to all in the face of an investigation.
In branch the sergeant has passed a five-copeck coin and the passport
To the lieutenant on duty. That has examined a five-copeck coin and
Has suggested me to sit down. I have sat down. The lieutenant carelessly
Has said: "hand over a trifle", and too has gone deep into studying
Passports. I have removed copper coins from a pocket. "Count,
it ", - the lieutenant has told and, having postponed the passport, became
To look me in the face.
- Have much bought? - He has asked.
- It is a lot of, - I have responded.
- Too hand over, - the lieutenant has told.
I have laid out before it on a table four numbers
Two numbers of "the literary newspaper", eight it matches,
For cleaning of kerosene stoves.
- Water I can not hand over, - I have told chilly. - five glasses
With a syrup and four without a syrup.
I started to understand, what's the matter, and to me was
Extremely awkwardly and boringly at thought that is necessary
To justify.
- Seventy four copecks, a companion
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