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It is written to help parents to prepare to the real world it to the world after leaving school. It is written specially for parents, which:
- Wish to give to the children financial signal to start in a life, without whittling away on this whole fortune;
- Wish to be assured that the natural talent and style of training of their child will be protected also the child leaves school, burning with the desire to study all life further;
- See that their child does not like school or it does not accept traditional methods of training. This book for them and only for them.
As this book is made
The book consists of three parts. In the first part I state my opinions at the academic and financial education. Those who has read other my books, already know that at me in a life was, it is possible to tell, two fathers. One of them whom I name my rich daddy, was the father of my friend Mike; another which I name my poor daddy, was my present father. The person whom I name my poor daddy, in my opinion, had an enormous academic and teaching talent. After nine years at me serious problems at school have begun. I did not like to what and as me learnt. I did not see communication meanwhile that me forced to learn, and how I could use it in a real life.
The first part of this book tells about how my clever, but the poor daddy continued to conduct me through this very difficult part of my life. If not my clever daddy, I would throw school or me therefrom would expel, and I never would finish college.
It is here too told about that process of training through which has spent me my the second, rich, the daddy. In my opinion, the rich daddy had an enormous financial talent, and it too was the excellent teacher. In this part I explain, how the rich daddy has started to accustom my young mind to think how the rich person thinks. Between nine and twelve years under the direction of my rich daddy I have developed in myself absolute confidence that I will earn the big riches irrespective of, I will be in time well or badly at school and whether I will get well paid job. By twelve years I knew that enrichment has a little the general with to what me learnt at school. Knowledge of that I am going to to become rich irrespective of school successes, became the reason of occurrence of the several specific problems connected with the relation to study. The second part of this book tells about how both daddies helped me to cope with these problems and have convinced to graduate.
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