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Subsequently wide popularity. Among them were Gottfried Haberler (1896-?), Frits Mahlup (1902 - 1983), Aleksand Mar (1896-?), Oscar Morgenshtern
(1902 - 1977), Paul N. Rozenshtejn-Rodan (1902 - 1985), and the author of this article.
The majority have proved later in the United States.
But if on style of the thinking and on an orientation of interests this the fourth
The generation still distinctly shows the accessory to Viennese tradition,
These people already cannot be considered as separate school, in sense
Accessories to the certain doctrine. The greatest success of school is
Situation when it ceases to exist, because its basic ideals
Become a part of the general dominating doctrine. On a share of the Viennese school has dropped out
Just such success. Its development has led to merge of a stream of thought, the beginning
To which has put Menger, with currents, the beginning which was put by Dzhevons (through
The preacher, the writer and the lecturer in England, author The Common Sense of Political
Economy (London: Macmillan, 1910; second edition, edited by Lionel Robbins,
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1933) - it. It.]), Leon Valras (through
Vilfreda Pareto [Vilfredo Pareto (1848 - 1923) after Valrasom took
Political economy chair at Lozansky university, Switzerland - it.
- .]), and, in particular, with main ideas of Alfreda of Marshall [Alfred Marshall
(1842 - 1924) the professor of political economy at Cambridge university,
The founder of "the Cambridge school", including him, A.S.Pigu and John
Mejnarda Keynes; the textbook of Marshall Principles of Economics between 1890 and 1920
For years has sustained 8 editions - it. It.]. But if complete structure
The modern theory as it teach today in the majority of the centres of the western
The world, to the greatest degree reflects influence of the tradition which are going back to works
Marshall, and thus even its corner support - the theory of the prices and value - in
The last decades has undergone changes which have hardly changed its form,
That these changes represented consecutive continuation
The fundamental principles mortgaged by the Viennese school.
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