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However it was to be expected: it remembered, how in its previous existence the same tiny oases of a life have been found out and in terrestrial ocean abysses. But here they were much more numerous and is more diverse.
It continued the searches in ocean depths. Possibly, the hundred-kilometre stream of a lava stretched on an underwater valley was most remarkable of seen. Pressure here was so is great that the water adjoining to heated magma, could not evaporate, and both liquids co-existed in a condition of an unusual armistice. Here, in another's world, absolutely other actors played something similar to the beginning of the most ancient history of Egypt when on the Earth yet there was no person. Just as Nile has brought a life to a narrow strip of desert, and this river of heat has recovered depths of Europe. On its coast, in a strip in width no more than two kilometres, arose, developed and numerous forms of a life disappeared. And at least one has kept about herself a monument.
The life, however, was present and out of oases: beings stronger threw down a challenge to severe ocean open spaces. Local analogues of fishes - the harmonous torpedoes movable by tails possessed vertically and operated fins, scattered along a body Here floated. Such similarity to the most prosperous inhabitants of terrestrial oceans inevitably: on identical questions evolution everywhere gives about identical answers. The dolphin and a shark are at first sight almost indistinguishable, though place on very far branches of a great Tree of the Life. There was, however, an obvious distinction between fishes from the seas of the Earth and ocean of Europe: at last, behind absence here oxygen, gills too were absent. The metabolism was based at them on sulphur connections, as well as at some terrestrial organisms living near to geothermal sources. Eyes were only at very few. Except for reflexions of rare exits of a lava and casual flashes of a bioluminescence when inhabitants of Europe involved the partner or hunted, this world has been completely deprived light.
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