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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: girr icons, office 2003 toolbar icons, tzones icon, animated video icon, xp icon themes

3. The majority of financial problems is connected with a control lack over a monetary stream.

4. We with Kim could retire early because have managed to take under the control a direction of our monetary stream.

Millions people have lost confidence of the financial future as they do not supervise many aspects of the life. The simple analysis of such plan of the established deductions as 401 (k) it the liked stamp of an ark of middle class of America, it shows that at the majority of people is not enough possibilities it to supervise. The rich daddy always kept control of the arks. It projected them, selected cargo and well knew each captain. Captains at it was much because arks was too much. Certainly, if you decide to construct a rich ark among the most important questions which to you should be solved first of all, will be following: whether you wish to return yourselves a complete control over your ark or a flotilla of arks. If is not present, remain with your plan of the established deductions, invest for long terms, diversify, pray and hope that your captain knows that does.

Returning itself the control over the ark, you gradually will return yourselves the control over the life, and then-over freedom. Warren Baffet speaks: itI the happiest person on light it from the point of view of a way to earn on a life. Nobody can force to do me that, in what I do not believe, or that I consider sillyit. In other words, it completely supervises the arks, and them at it the whole fleet.

Before to pass to that is necessary for a control establishment over your ark, it will be useful for you to hear, as Warren Baffet characterises the style of the control over arks. It supervises, but is not engaged in petty guardianship, buys the companies with excellent management and addresses with managers as with owners-to it, many of them have the status of co-owners of the companies. About it Baffet speaks: itWe wish to see, how heads of divisions become rich, operating own business, instead of simply disposing of the property of others. It seems to me that the status of the owner can bring in due course to our best managers considerable riches, such of which they and do not dream todayit.

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