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The fraction all became louder, all is more persevering. Pithecanthropi have begun has frozen, as if sleepwalkers, to move ahead, drawn by a source of this sound. At times they did primitive dancing movements is their blood responded to rhythms which their descendants should create many centuries later. Absolutely captivated, they have crowded round a monolith, having forgotten about all deprivations of the last day, about dangers of approaching night, about the hunger tormenting their stomachs. All the drum more loudly sounded, twilight was more and more condensed. And when shades became absolutely long and the sky has grown dim, the crystal was lighted. At first it has lost a transparency, has grown turbid, and its depth was filled with lacteal light. Not clear, it unrecognizable phantoms have arisen and have started to slide in its depth and under its most surface. They have merged in light and dark strips; intertwining and being crossed among themselves, these strips have started to rotate, as if spokes of magic wheels. More fast and more fast these shone wheels rotated, and the drumbeat rhythm became even more often. The pithecanthropi definitively hypnotised, having opened wide mouths, have stared at an unprecedented play of light in a crystal. They already have absolutely forgotten commands of the instincts inherited from ancestors, and lessons of the life experience. Under usual circumstances anybody from them would not dare to be delayed so far dark silhouettes have motionlessly stood with the cave during so later time - after all in surrounding thickets and eyes of night predators which have suspended hunting were shone, waiting, than all it will come to an end.
But here rotating light wheels have started to be closed with one another, their spokes have merged in strips of light which slowly receded in depth, then strips have broken up half-and-half, having formed steams of shone lines. Shivering and fluctuating, these steams bent and crossed with one another under various slowly changed corners. Shone grids of lines were weaved and untwined, and of them developed and there and then fantastic, ephemeral drawings disappeared. And the captivated captives of a shone crystal, pithecanthropi, all looked and looked... It and to a head did not come that during these instants unknown force investigates their mental faculties, defines forms and the sizes of their bodies, studies mental reactions, evaluates their latent possibilities. Some time all of them squatted, having fallen asleep as if the hardened. Suddenly one pithecanthropus sitting more close of others to a crystal, has begun to move. It has not moved a little, its body is simple was released of hypnotic catalepsy, and it moved, as if a puppet operated invisible threads. Its head has turned to the right, then on the left; it silently has opened and has closed a mouth, has compressed and has unclenched fists. Then has bent, has seized a long stalk and has tried to fasten badly obeying fingers of hands it in knot...
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Large Weather Icons depict different weather conditions that are common for software, weather Web sites, and mobile gadgets. The images come in all sizes standard to Windows, Mac OS, and other systems. The biggest versions are huge 512x512 pixel icons with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily available and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest quality.
Medical Icons for Vista has been design to eliminate any misconceptions appearing while viewing a medical Web site or operating a medical program. The images are available in numerous sizes and formats.

SibCode Medical Icon Library is a fantastic set of images that covers most of the typical medicine-related application's needs. The top choice at a reasonable price!

Give your Web application, software or database a unique, stylish appearance with a stunning new set of icons. Plastic Toolbar Icons are professionally designed and hand-crafted in each of the available sizes.

Develop scientific or space-related software with instantly available graphics. Space Icons pack contain more than 60 icons focusing on astronomy, such as Sun, Spacesuit, all planets of the solar system and Astronaut.