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Image sizes: 256x256, 64x64, 48x48, 40x40, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: 10 things i hate about you icon, icon tech, exe icon installwizard exe, despised icon vid, new gmarker point icon
- But so it also happens, - Pilorat has told.
- Do not give it great value, Treviz, - has advised
- . - at any moment on the Gay there are thousand the people having sex,
Millions eating, drinking or attending others, delivering
Pleasure, activity. It leads to lifting of the general level
The pleasure tested by Geej, its each part. The lowest animals,
Plants, minerals have the weak pleasures, which also
Promote growth of pleasure and fun which the Gay tests all the
Parts. It is not present in one other world.
- We test own, special pleasure, - Treviz has told, -
Which we can divide, if we will want, or to keep only for themselves.
- If you could feel ours would understand, how much you,
- , are poor in this respect.
- Whence to you to know, what we feel?
- At all without knowing it, it is possible to assume that the world of the general pleasures
There should be stronger, than all separate isolated persons.
- Probably, but even if my pleasures are too poor, I will be
To store the pleasure and grief and to be content with them, they are as though rare not
Were. But this I also does not consist related to the nearest stone.
- It is not necessary to laugh, - Bliss has told. - you appreciate each crystal in
Your bones or teeth also do not want, that though one of them has been damaged,
And after all in them it is no more consciousness, than in a stone of the same size.
- Perhaps, you are right, - Treviz has reluctantly agreed, - but we have left from
Themes. To me all the same if all the Gay divides your pleasure, Bliss, but I not
I wish it to divide. We live here in immediate proximity, and I not
I want, that me forced to participate in yours indirectly at least
- It is unpersuasive, the my dear friend, - has told Pilorat. - I not less
Yours I do not want, that our solitude has been infringed. However, we with Bliss
We will be constrained, truly?
- Will be as you want, Saws.
- Furthermore, - continued Pilorat, - it is quite possible that we will be
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