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Image sizes: 256x256, 64x64, 48x48, 40x40, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: icons from file, cu400 icons, windows xp internet explorer icon, icon exibits, cool windows icons

Eventually, I managed to master the correct technics of swimming like a dog and a freestyle in pool with fresh water. Before I floated, moving hands as in a breast stroke, and feet it as scissors that looked not too attractively and, by sight instructors in swimming, it was not meaningful.

Essence of this history that, despite inability correctly to float in pool with fresh water, I absolutely freely felt at ocean, even at very high wave. Washing the technician till now calls censures, but, nevertheless, at ocean I feel at home. On the other hand, I know people who show the perfect technics in pool, but mortally are afraid of the rough sea, explosive and undercurrents, return streams and a ripple. As they say, iteveryone floats how to it more convenientlyit.

Different styles of training

The purpose of this story not in discussing my lacks of swimming. I wished to illustrate only that fact that all of us we study differently and we perform the same job by different ways. Despite the fact that what now I can float correct style, all the same it is more convenient to me to float in own way. I will never float as quickly as my friend Villi, and never I will receive awards for my graceful style, but, carrying out any actions in own way, to me to become successful easier it and I think that the same is peculiar to the majority of us. We know that we need to make, but we prefer to do it how it is pleasant to us more. Your children in the same way concern training.

How to find out talent of your child

To find out talent of your child, you should learn at first how it likes more to study and why he wishes something to study. For example, I learnt to float not because wished to learn to float. I learnt to float because wished to be engaged in surfing. While I did not think of surfing, in me was uninteresting to learn to float, and compulsory training only has strengthened my hatred to swimming. Instead of learning to float together with other children on the small party of pool, I liked to jump in water from the opposite, deep party more and to learn not to sink. The same has occurred to studying of the financial documentation. I studied in book keeping not because wished to become the bookkeeper that is why that wished to become rich. If you think that washing the technician of swimming is awful, means, you yet did not see my reports.

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