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To influence of success, their error carried a temporality and could not generate the such
Destructions of moral criteria in their countries as it happens in
Germany. Here there was a question on association in the uniform nation; has been reached
The purpose to which generations of Germans aspired, and this purpose has appeared in
Indissoluble communication with methods of its achievement. These methods cannot be justified
Without rough distortion of the facts, or without legalisation of change and lie, payoff and
Severe terror. It was necessary to choose between true or moral correctness, with
One party, and that considered as a patriotic debt, and patriotism
It has appeared more strongly. The belief that the end justifies the means, and that has affirmed
Acts in a public life cannot be calibrated by moral criteria, but
Should be evaluated only by their adequacy to objects in view. first of all historians establish criteria of an estimation
Large historical events, perhaps, appeared one year later the book
H.S.Chemberlena Foundations of the Nineteenth Century) the unique book, of course, influence can be compared with Mein Kampf. But
Main responsibility lies nevertheless on others. Weights accept the opinions
Already ready,
The people have not learnt to see public affairs by other eyes, but also through the memoirs (Gedanken und Erinnerungen (New York
and Stuttgart: Cotta, from the point of view
The future conversion training of Germans it is necessary to pay attention to how extended
Principles Bismarkovsky Realpolitik. Bismarck acted, Which on prevalence, nevertheless, while all Was required, 1898) which were the first political best seller in
Germany also were (except for, In the review on
Ejka Hayek continues: "a lot of time, especially in Germany with its cult of learning.
The former role of historians in this business indicates very important problem, which
They should execute in the future. "- it. It. and not only
Personal example
I do not have here possibility to understand other important details of history
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