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This chapter as a whole coinciding with the text, published in Economica, N.S.,
vol. 1, November 1934, pp. 393 - 420, and also as Introduction to published in 1934
The London school of an economic theory to meeting of works of Mengera, was
It is added by materials of two latest publications. First, have been added
Fragments from the short article about Mengere written for International
Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, ed. David L. Sills (New York: Macmillan
and The Free Press, 1968), vol. 10, pp. 124 - 127. In this article mostly
The material already containing in the published article repeats, but are entered,
Also, some new reasons and data rather Methodenstreit, about
The contribution of Mengera to a microeconomic theory and that later has received
The name "methodological individualism". Corresponding endurances here
Are included in the form of the interlinear notes added / by the American / editor.
Hayek in 1965 has modified and has added the article for German
Editions, and these additions also are included in the present edition, as a rule in
Kind of new notes.
Hayek's latest work about Mengere, "The Place of Menger's Grundsatze in the
History of Economic Thought "is reproduced as the Appendix to this chapter. -
The short history of occurrence of this article is that. For the first time it has been published on
English in 1934 as Introduction to a reprint Mengerovsky Grundsatze der
Volkswirtschaftslehre, to the first of 4 volumes of the series including the cores
Theoretical works of Mengera and the published London school economic
Theories under ## 17 - 20 in it Series of Reprints of Scarce Works in Economics and
Political Science. These four volumes were then are republished in Germany as
Gesammelte Werke (Tubingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1968 - 1970), and introduction
Hayek's slightly revised and corrected the article, is reproduced in
Translation into German in the first volume of this edition of Mengera. Slightly earlier it
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