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The interdiction of double trade promoted development of one more contradiction between Grew dim also the Chamber of commerce. The chamber of commerce never forbade double trade and resolved brokers and it to stand nearby with each other on top level — as well as in any other place of a hole. It reflects reputation of the Chamber of commerce as the stock exchange first of all caring of interests of the members. Brokers and local traders of the Chamber of commerce possess serious influence, in spite of the fact that at this stock exchange the vigorous chairmen, including Rosental, Kar-stena Malmana Woods by a nickname "Cash" and until recently — Peta Arbora.


In my opinion, Grew dim from the moment of introduction of financial futures in a greater degree tried to please it even at the expense of the individual members. As an example the eurodollar contract serves Grew dim, which base active are the US dollars placed on deposits in Europe. When have offered the contract for the eurodollars, many local traders lobbied the same face-value $100 000, as well as at the contract of the Chamber of commerce on exchequer bonds. However a management Grew dim has conceded to pressure it on introduction more the large-scale contract face value $1 million. Why? Because at face value $1 million for hedging of positions under short-term interest rates is required less contracts for eurodollars. The smaller quantity of contracts meant less than commission fee which it is necessary to pay.

Other contrast between Grew dim also the Chamber of commerce has emerged on a surface after FBI investigation in 1989. Both stock exchanges automatically excluded any of members of a stock exchange who recognised the fault on federal charges or on the affairs raised against them CFTC. To the accused traders who are not recognising the fault, have allowed to trade. However both stock exchanges have asked, that they traded only on own bills and have refrained from execution of orders of clients. The difference was showed concerning two stock exchanges to brokers who have got under charges, but did not recognise itself in something guilty and have refused to obey to any interdiction for execution of client orders.

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