Empty Dustbin Icon
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Anton has turned to Varnishes and has politely explained:
- We always name asteroids rocks, understand?
Varnishes has nodded. Anton has told:
- Apparently, my people consider that it not to fly in this ship. And
As you think, what for the terrestrial government has sent the empty ship, to
To the same so badly collected, how extraction for pirates?
- I am perplexed more and more, - have told Varnishes. - we will continue
Anton has gone the first, Varnishes behind it. The others silently went behind. Varnishes
Felt it on a nape. Anton's back direct and fearless, as though it
Does not expect an attack Varnishes. Certainly, does not expect. For Varnishes it is enough
The armed people. They have examined the small premises designed with
The greatest economy. A computer premise, a small observatory,
Photolaboratory, galley and cabins. Have then passed to the bottom level on the narrow
To the bent pipe which in the field of pseudo-gravitation could be adjusted
As the leader both "upwards" and "downwards". Varnishes ordered to be lowered by the first, Anton
Has followed it so close that Varnishes hardly has had time to evade (his feet
Were slightly turned in from unexpectedly come back weight) from boots of the captain.
Rigid heavy space boots passed his face on inch distance.
Having saved balance, Varnishes has angrily turned, but Anton pleasantly smiled,
Its blaster has been aimed directly in heart Varnishes.
- One thousand apologies, - he has told. - fortunately, you are rather quick.
- Yes, - has murmured Varnishes.
At the bottom level engines and power installations placed. There and then
Empty hangars of boats. Stocks of food, water, fuel, it air,
- Well, also what you think of it? Perhaps, low-grade, but anything
Unusual I do not see.
- There is no saying, - has answered Varnishes.
- But you have lived by the ship some days.
- Certainly, but I did not examine it. Simply waited, while it will come
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