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Image sizes: 256x256, 64x64, 48x48, 40x40, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: treeview icons, xp icons location, icons taskbar, bitchy icons, dymanite buddy icons

Many years ago I have read the small book which has left Indelible trace in my life. It was called "As the person thinks". The author its James Lane Allen, and here that there is told:

"The person will find out that when it changes the relation to things and To other people, they too change in relation to it... Costs To the person considerably to change the thoughts, and he with surprise will see, how Quickly material conditions of his life vary. People draw to themselves Not that they want, and what they are... A deity defining Our destinies, it is concluded in ourselves. It is our original essence... Everything that the person reaches, is its direct result own Thoughts... The Person is capable to rise, win and achieve success, Only having ennobled the thoughts. It can remain weak, pity and Unfortunate, only if will refuse to ennoble the thoughts ".

As it is told in the Genesis, the creator has given to the person the power over all The huge earth. Certainly, it is great gift. But me to what such Superknightly prerogatives. Everything that I wish, - to get the power over Itself; the power over the thoughts, over the fears; the power over the Reason and over the soul. And the most remarkable - that I know, how To reach this power in surprising degree, at any time, when I will want. For this purpose I should operate simply the actions, and they in the Turn will influence my reactions.

So, let's recollect William James's following words: "Much from That we name harm... Often it is possible to turn in invigorating and Inspiring good by simple change of mood suffering - For fear and despair it is necessary to pass to struggle ".

So we will struggle for our happiness!

Let's start struggle for our happiness on the basis of the optimistic Constructive thinking. For this purpose I offer you the program, which It is necessary to carry out every day. It is called "today". I consider Its so stimulating that has distributed it in hundreds copies. It Dead Sibilla F. Partridzh has written thirty six years ago. If you And I will follow this program, we will eliminate the most part of ours Alarms also we will immensely increase that Frenchmen name la joie de vivre (1).

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