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Transfer deeds were other popular theme for theorists, but I never especially
Was interested in the international trade theory, and the book of Haberlera Der Internationale Handel: Theorie der weltwirtschaftlichen
Zusammenhange sowie Darstellung und Analyse der Aubenhandelspolitik (Berlin:
J. Springer, 1933), 1936; New York: Macmillan, Gottfried von
Haberler, translated as The Theory of International Trade (London:
W. Dodge, 1937 - it. It. it is quite worthy
Sums up discussions of that time. Most likely, common effortses of theorists were
Are directed to integration of various schools. We in Vienna have been absorbed by the simple
Mastering of a stream of new ideas which went from everywhere, basically from England -
For example, Houtri 1919), author Currency, and Trade, Credit (London: Longmans, Credit (London: Longmans, Ralph George Hawtrey (1879 - 1975) served as the economist in
The British exchequer and 1928) - it. It., one of most
Interesting authors - though all in it volume from the United States.
The appendix: John Bejts Clark (1847 - 1938)
it is published in Economica, Sketch John Bates Clark: A Memorial (it is printed privately in Columbia
University Press, pp.
223 - 224. - it. It., N.S. vol. 6, 1938), 1939
When John Bejts Clark has died on March, 23rd, 1938 at the age of 91 years, it already became
For young economists on this party of Atlantic i.e. in Britain - it.
- . almost legendary figure, and it was represented to some by something like
Modern Bastia Frederic Bastiat (1801 - 1850). The French economist and
The essayist. About Bastia see chapter 15 in The Trend of Economic Thinking, vol. 3 The
Collected Works of F.A.Hayek. - it. It. - the last supporter of idea
Natural harmony of economic forces. Here not a place to protect it from it
False understanding. And about its great achievement in the field of an economic theory,
About development of the analysis from items of a limit of efficiency, which
Supplies to it a place among founders of a modern economic theory -
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