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Tags: band aim buddy icons, character icon, first love icons, cool cartoon icons, smiley icons with
This staff has found out recently that the records, concerning the Earth,
Do not exist any more. These materials have been recently withdrawn. Why? - Treviz
Has terminated to walk up and down and has attentively looked at Houses. - if I will find
The Earth I learn that it hides...
- Hides?
- Hides or wants to hide. I feel that having learnt it, I will understand, why
Has chosen to the Gay from other ways of development. Then I will KNOW, instead of
To feel that I am right and, if it so... - he has shrugged shoulders, - that so
It also will be.
- If you feel that it so, - the House, - and if you has told
Feel that should search for the Earth then, of course, we will help all of you,
Than we can. However, this help is limited. For example, I/we/gay do not know,
Where the Earth among a large quantity of the worlds making is possessed
- And nevertheless, - Treviz has told, - I should search. Even if
Innumerability of stars of the Galaxy will make searches hopeless. Even, if I
I will conduct them alone.
Optimum, air pleasantly moved, freshening, but without cooling. On the sky floated
Clouds, from time to time closing the sun and, undoubtedly, if level
Humidity in this or that place has gone down, the last rain would restore
Trees grew correct numbers, as in a garden and so, undoubtedly, was
All over the world. The earths and the seas were complete of a vegetative and animal life in
The necessary proportion and the quantity supplying ecological equilibrium, and
The increase and number reduction, undoubtedly, fluctuated in limits
A certain optimum. The same was and with number of people.
From all objects which were in sight of Treviza, only one
It was beaten out from this idyll - its ship "Far Star".
The ship has been cleaned and updated by the numerous human
Components Gays. On it food and water stocks, its conditions have loaded
Has been updated, and mechanisms are checked up. Treviz has attentively checked up
The ship computer.
Copyright © 2006-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
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