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So, the main reason of future crash in that. That the majority of people today are not assured of mutual funds and actions. As soon as millions bebi-bu-merov will start to retire, they will rush to cash the actions and contributions to mutual funds and will return to for the sake of what worked all life, it to money. As the rich daddy has told, itit is possible to change the law, but not peopleit.
2. Cost of a life and expenses of a pas medicine will increase. As I already spoke, many pension plans of category DB provided the amendment on living wage growth. Pension plans of category DC are calculated that after leaving on pension when cost of a life and expenses on medicine will increase, pensioners begin to sell the actives to pay bills. And it becomes one more blow under the theory of regular withdrawal. These imperceptible distinctions between plans of categories DB and DC will bring the mite in the future crash of the market. To live, money, instead of mutual funds are necessary to people. And consequently mutual funds should be exchanged for cash.
3. The number of fools will increase. I quote Warren Baffeta: itThat fact that people the avidity, fear or nonsense will seize, is predicted. Consequencesit are unpredictable. The majority of us know that the market engine are the avidity and fear. The avidity was the reason of share boom of 1990th years, and the fear becomes the reason of its crash. In the near future one more reason will force people to turn the pension bills into money, and this reason it nonsense.
I will give an example investment nonsense. In 1990th years many rich hard workers thought that have grown rich because were investors, but actually they were only hard workers whom has carried. One such worked in company "Intel". In 1997 when the market went on lifting, it has cashed the options almost on 35 million dollars. He has been assured that is the investor, instead of simply successful employee, and soon has begun to put up money in the investments reserved for those whom the Commission on securities and stock exchanges it qualifies as the accredited investors. By the definition, the person having a status more of one million of dollars or highly paid job can be the accredited investor. However, I never understood, how these criteria can prove that the person is worthy to be the accredited investor, but rules are that. I know much the best way to prove that the person deserves this rank, but in it my opinion have not asked.
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Large Weather Icons represent a number of weather conditions that are common for software, weather Web sites, and mobile gadgets. The images arprovided in typical resolutions standard to Windows, Mac OS, and other platforms. The biggest versions are huge 512x512 pixel images with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily affordable and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest resolution.
Variety of military icons from our Military Icon Set will make all your applications appear more current and engaging. The images are provided in PNG, ICO, BMP and GIF file formats.
The development of a graphic interface for a hotel-related software or a design for a travel-themed website could not be easier, then it is with the set of Small Hotel Icons.
Making applications for hotel industry is quite a challenge, and there is often no time to think about GUI for your project. With Standard Hotel Icons you will momentarily get all the graphics you need at a reasonable price.
Design scientific or space-related software with instantly available graphics. Space Icons pack includes more than 60 icons focusing on astronomy, such as Sun, Spacesuit, Astronaut and all planets of the solar system.