Login Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16, 512x512
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Tags: photographic folder icons, hide login icon, animated button icons, band emo funny icons, web icons phone
Recollect, how much time you avoided to make something important because you were afraid to make a mistake? Or because were afraid to become angry? Either to test a sense of guilt? Or to touch itself or others? Either to appear rejected? Or to undertake too much responsibility? Or to rise face to face with the unknown? I am assured that the similar happened with you many times.
I not the psychiatrist, therefore for my part would be the big self-conceit if I have tried to diagnose any emotional status, especially in absentia and at a great distance. Ways which I offer in this chapter, operate indirectly; they are not intended to resolve concrete emotional problems, but they will allow the person to overcome their most or by means of the professional expert in mentality problems.
I will assort fear problems because my conversations with psychiatrists and psychologists have convinced me that the fear underlies all kinds of flight from a reality. If you can win the fear you can execute unpleasant business "it-1".
I many times faced people who avoided to do affairs to which they gave great value because they subconsciously felt fear before consequences which will occur after end of the planned affairs by them.
The head of department of trade hesitated with the beginning of a new advertising campaign (that was for it business "it-1") because was afraid to overload itself additional job. To dispel its fears, to it followed reduce volume of other job which it carried out and only having carried out it, it has ceased to avoid the business "it-1".
It was entrusted to chief of shop to develop the description on labour operation which was under its personal management. Its chief has told to it that working out of this description is its most important business. Again and again the chief of shop wrote down "description drawing up" in the list "That it is necessary to make", but did nothing for performance of this task. At last, he has understood that hesitates, being afraid that as soon as the description of labour operation will be finished, the requirement for its services as the head of the given labour operation will disappear, and it remains without job.
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