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The doctor so never also did not manage to meet with approval of the name offered it. Before MAC could confirm it, additional supervision have allowed to specify an orbit largely.
And now one name was pertinent only:
Cali, the goddess of destruction.
When doctor Millar has found out Cali, it was already born on unprecedented speed in a direction to the Sun - and to the Earth. Though now this question represented partly purely theoretical interest, all thirsted for the nobility why the Space patrol with all its possibilities was arranged with any astronomer-fan from Mars with the homebrew equipment.
The answer, as always in similar cases, consisted in confluence of adverse circumstances, including and well-known obstinacy of inanimate objects, and a bad luck element.
Cali for the size was extremely dim; perhaps, it was one of the most dark asteroids of all ever found out. Obviously, it belonged to carbon type: its surface almost in a literal sense was covered with soot. And the trajectory of its movement for the last years lay through one of the most densely populated areas of the Milky Way. That is why in observatories of Space patrol it have not noticed in a reflexion of stars.
Doctor Millar conducting supervision from Mars, was more successful. It has deliberately directed the telescope to one of less densely populated plots of the sky - and Cali just it has appeared there. Happen it for some weeks earlier or later - and it would pass it.
There is no need to say that during the followed investigation terabytes of the given supervision in memory of computers of Space patrol have been rechecked. When you know that there something to eat, find it much easier.
Really, Cali has been marked three times, but the signal was up to standard of noise and consequently the automatic program of search has not worked.
Many people felt gratitude for this oversight; they considered that, Cali be found out earlier, it only would prolong an agony.
Chapter 15
Whether it is time to recognise, John, what Jesus - the ordinary person, as well as Magomet (the world with it)? We know what was not known by evangelists, - though it seems abundantly clear if to muse, - immaculate conception could lead only to a birth of the woman, and in any way men. Certainly, the Holy Spirit could show one more miracle. My bias Perhaps, affects, but I consider, it would be - well as it a dust in eyes. And even it is insipid.
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