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Image sizes: 256x256, 64x64, 48x48, 40x40, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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After delivery of documents on registration you need to wait only. To accelerate this process it is impossible. Now a target date five working days.

The given legal firm can be useful to you further for modification of constituent documents. They can arise because of changes in nameplate data of founders, change of a site of the organisation, change in the size of the authorised capital and more it is a lot of that. It is not necessary to bring these changes. It is better to trust in professionals. Therefore save phone of this organisation to the following necessity. If the given firm renders a wide spectrum of legal services, that, probably, you in the subsequent will address to it and for legal consultation.

2.4. Practical actions

2.4.1. A bank choice

If you know a site of your organisation the bank can be chosen by a geographical principle. If is not present, the arrangement of bank has no special value, subsequently will open the bill in other bank.

To begin with compare an overall cost of service of the bill. It: - Bill opening; - Cost of monthly service of the bill; - Cost of processing of the payment commission; - Cost of settlement-cash service (reception and delivery of cash).

At opening of the memory bill at once learn, whether there will be a given memory bill is re-registered in settlement with automatic carrying over on it of money, or to you will open the separate settlement account and then it is necessary to remit money from the memory bill on the settlement. At once take an application form on remittance from the bill on the bill.

Service cost in banks can differ 10 times. At the initial stage it can appear important for you.

Pay attention, how much is connection and service at remote access to bank on technology "bank-client" or "Internet bank". Usually it aloud is cheaper (and it is more convenient) in comparison with paper service, but there are exceptions. The technology "bank-client" is comparable with a fax communication. Access is rigidly adhered to any computer. Communication is made with modem application, but by simple data exchange. Internet connection is not made. The password it an electronic key-tablet or a diskette. How much signatures in a bank card, are so much and keys, at everyone the. This key the data access on the bill opens, it the payment commissions sent in electronic form in bank "subscribe". At technology "Internet bank" usually is available key a diskette for access to the bill and your password of access. Access is carried out through the Internet. The access password on a diskette. Instead of a diskette the password can be written down for flesh-memory, on a hard disk of the computer (winchester). Enter into the Internet, then on a bank site, insert key a diskette, enter the password, get on own settlement account, make necessary actions. Owing to access through the Internet job is possible from any computer from any part of the world.

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