Keyboard V2 Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: xp black icons, icons iconator com, an icon os x, quick launch icons location, ballerina icons
For I: = 1 To 20 Do we Will organise a cycle with parametre I on all possible
Readln (A I); to values of indexes also it is entered A I from the keyboard
For I: = 20 Downto 1 Do we Unpack the array upside-down
Write (A I, ' VVV ')
That program keys in 20 integers, and then
Unpacks them upside-down. Now try to write the same program, but without usage of structure of the array. In how many it becomes longer than times? By the way, introduction language of Pascal of a cycle with parametre was
It is caused in many respects by necessity of processing of informational sequences, i.e. Arrays.
The following program fills the array to values of squares of indexes of units:
Program M3;
N=50; Constant N will contain quantity of array cells
A: Array 1. N Of Integer;
I: Integer;
For I: = 1 To N Do
A I: =I*I
For I: = 1 To N Do
Write (A I, ' VVV ')
Further for the educational purposes we will use the arrays set by means of the generator of random numbers. In language of Pascal random numbers are formed by function Random. Numbers turn out fractional, evenly allocated in the range from 0 to 1. The expression giving whole casual allocated in the range from 0 to 1. The number in an interval 50, -50 will look so:
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