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Tags: moneybag icon, jpg file icon, windows xp icons color, os l icon, icons that are cute

Now, it whether so it these precepts? itNot it!.it Imagine the peace kind person, at which all family has been exterminated, and which has taken up arms for the first time to revenge. Whether language will turn at you to tell to it: itNot it? I hope that is not present.

"Do not steal" it a good precept. And you can repeat to its hungry child who tries to keep step with a bread piece? It is possible to pick up many situations, it having appeared in which, it is more expedient to sin (not to mention that is more pleasant), rather than to observe the seventh precept.

At last, what you will tell about the person whom, ithaving loved the nearit, will help that to drive a knife in own stomach? Remember: in this world does not exist neither good, nor harm. All precepts are thought up by shepherds that it was easier to operate herd. If you wish to remain an approximate sheep you have no need to read this book. If you have decided to clear in yourselves other qualities be attentive, will feel each my word so as if it sounds in you, imagine a voice which says these words and then to you everything about what I speak will be clear. Initially there is no in this world good, a harm. Present, you have caught a head of the person in a cut of a sight and have pulled the trigger. That you have made: good or harm? On the one hand, like as well as angrily it after all the person has lost a life. With another, it it is possible, this person was going to "heap up" is malicious so much that your action which has not admitted it, mankind can consider as great blessing.

Now we will admit that you with risk for a life have pulled out from water of the person. Kindly you have created? Perhaps and so, and it is possible it the world still will shudder from acts of the one who could sink, do not interfere you with this business. Is not present either good, or harm. We take for example two snipers working in one flashpoint. Both of them press every day a trigger hook, catching in it a sight of people with a bit other colour of a skin, the form of a nose and a cut of eyes. The first worries, suffers, toils. He understands that kills people. And consequently to it it is bad, it is intolerable hard. At it hand over nerves; he cannot normally eat and sleep. Well, eventually it will commit any error. And for it it the sniper it the first error will appear also last. In other words, it will be overtaken by requital. ItSuch is it it, it followers of east doctrines would tell about him.

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Business Icon Set Business Icon Set. A collection of all-purpose icons with various symbols for the business environment for use with your software or on your website.

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