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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: os x icon maker, change doc icon, aim icons mytheme, gmarker change icon, create shortcut icons

Debate round electronic trading is beyond a question, whether traders will stand in a hole or to sit at the computer. Superfluous to volume acknowledgement that the problem of an electronic stock exchange instead of open barracking has not something in common with traditions of traders in a hole or preservation for them a source of means of subsistence. All it is reduced to the best tools of effective and fast execution of the transactions, saving equal access to the future markets.

There is an erroneous representation that traders on a floor are afraid of computers. Some people perceive traders in a hole as concourse of the smiths grounding horses and considering as if the car never becomes fashionable. It not sootvet -

It BECOMES ELECTRONIC 159 It to a true state of affairs. Even at open barracking the situation was not static. We have passed a long way, including antediluvian times when a supply and demand were written by a chalk on a board. Stock exchanges are modernised both concerning clearing, and concerning monitoring of transactions, and concerning more effective execution of orders. Today the advanced computer technologies at a future stock exchange accelerate delivery of orders in a hole. It will lower about several seconds time between the decision of the client on the transaction and execution of this transaction. Evolution of technology of trade in a hole will proceed, as in It are interested both clients, and brokers, and traders in a hole.

When I have begun the warrant-fillera in quality, the client gave the order to the broker by phone. After that the broker called on a floor of a stock exchange to the manager of the table filling the order. Further the messenger carried the order in a hole to the broker executing the given transaction. Later to some big clients have allowed to pass brokers and to call directly to managers of tables. The manager of a table wrote down the order and handed over to its courier delivering it to the broker in a hole. Have then started to practise "it" or use of signals of hands for transfer of orders of the client to a hole. The manager of a table "arbo-shaft" the order to the broker who after that executed the transaction. Often weigh process occupied all some seconds while the client hung on phone. Today for even it accelerations of process of delivery of the order are applied modern technologies. I think, we will see day when each trader and the broker in a hole will have a small computer — a bit more than a personal organizer a Palm-pilot replacing lots of trading maps. Brokers will receive orders on screens of the microcomputers saving safety of orders.

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