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Many of generation bebn-bumerov only realise today that followed them understand 25 years ago. Moreover, at many of them even it will not be close 600 thousand postponed for pension. It seems that millions bebi-bumerov already were late, because plans of category DC do not promise fast enrichment. If the person was late, any diversification only will aggravate its financial problems. The diversification is a protective strategy of investment and if you were late protective strategy cannot delay the inevitable.

10. Whether you can dare to live after leaving on pension? Soon, but a measure of that as more and more bsbi-bumerov will retire, there will come the present test for the plan of category DC. I doubt that it can provide to you something more important, than pension, namely health protection. A question which me interests: whether itpensioners after leaving on pension Can afford protection of the health while will be live?it After leaving on pension the person can buy the goods on sales and live modestly, but the price of medical services steadily grows. Under some data, in 2000 cost of medical services and medical preparations has jumped up for 17 percent. I am am disturbed by that in the near future the matter of life and death will be defined by, whether the person can afford expenses on medicine. Me disturbs that millions people in their pension plans of category DC will have not enough money to afford such medical aid.

And how itMedicareit and other forms of social medicine? Well, if the statistics does not say lies, the American social medicine has already gone bankrupt. If the social medicine is the right of everyone taxes should jump up to a ceiling and if taxes increase businessmen will leave the country, strengthening and without that already unreasonable tax burden on the population.

If the person wishes to save money in the pension plan of category DC it should start to do it as soon as possible and to lay out a heap of money which would suffice not only on a life, but also on health services. The next years many pensioners will be compelled to liquidate completely the portfolios to pay health services for life prolongation. It is interesting, when this financial scheduler spoke to the 70-year-old pensioner: itThis strategy carries the name of regular withdrawal and creates positive miraclesit, it whether it thus considered the factor of cost of long-term health services of this pensioner? In other words, what assumptions stood up for the answer of the financial scheduler? Whether it has switched on in the assumptions health services?

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