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The researchers who have produced new methods of production, hate the businessman,
Which the profit on their inventions interests only. It is very indicative that
Many American physicists sympathise with a socialism and communism. Accepting in
Attention that they do not understand economy, but well know that
Teachers of economy at university unflatteringly respond about capitalism,
Scornfully naming it as "system of squeezing of profit", it is difficult to expect from
Them other relation.
If the group of people isolates itself from other nation, especially from it
Intellectual leaders as it does American "high society", it
Who becomes obligatory a target for spiteful attacks from outside those not
It is admitted in their circle. The isolation peculiar to American "high society",
Has made its representatives some kind of derelicts. They test complacency
From consciousness of the exclusiveness, thus, without noticing that voluntary
The segregation selected them isolates them from other nation and kindles it
Animosities to them. Last induces intellectuals to sympathise
To the anticapitalist policy.
Indignation of "white collars"
At "white collars" hatred by the capitalism, peculiar to the majority of people,
Psychologically. "White collars" name hired office employees (in
Difference from "blue-collar workers" - on colour of working overalls).
Sitting at a table and transferring on a word and figure paper, the officer often happens
It is inclined to overestimate the importance of the work, as well as its chief, writes and
Reads that others have written, or speaks - directly or by phone - with
Other people. Being overflowed with self-conceit, he imagines itself(himself) belonging to
To administrative elite also compares the problems with problems of the chief. Being
"The worker of intellectual labour", he looks down on the worker, which hands
Are soiled and covered by callosities. He feels offended, having learnt that
Many workers receive more and are highly esteemed, than it. What
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Large Weather Icons depict different weather conditions that are common for software, weather Web sites, and mobile gadgets. The icons are available in all resolutions standard to Windows, Mac OS, and other platforms. The biggest versions are huge 512x512 pixel icons with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily affordable and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest resolution.
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Business Icon Set. A collection of all-purpose icons with various symbols for the business environment for use with your software or on your website.
Basic Icons for Vista is a pack of sleek and professionally finished icons created in the similar manner as the original Vista icons. The icons come in two variants: with or without shadows.
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