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Tags: hlsw icon, icons collage generators, make website icons, vintage buddy icons, car buddy icon
Ambitions (is, of course, and readers of other grade). Their secret dream - to take
Revenge over the more successful contender. They dream to wait, when "on
Hands of the criminal handcuffs will be latched and policemen will withdraw it ". It
Pleasure delivers to the reader the history culmination, in which it
Identifies itself with a detective, and the more successful contender -
With the exposed criminal.
The press. These journals are entirely devoted revealing of secret defects and unseemly
Offences of high-ranking officials, especially millionaires and celebrities
The screen. Under the data "Njusvik" (on July, 11th 1955), one of these journals has defined
Quantity of the copies sold for September, 1955 in 33 million. Not
Is subject to doubt that the average person with pleasure reads about original go
Those invented sins, who above it in social hierarchy.>
Freedom of the press
FREEDOM OF THE PRESS - one of the basic lines of the nation of free citizens. It concerns
To main items in the political program of classical liberalism. To anybody
It was not possible to put forward convincing objections against conclusions yet,
Formulated in two become classical works - John Milton
-- Live blood of the literature. Milton John (1608 - 1674) - the English poet and
Protection of freedom of the press.
The free press can exist only under condition of the private control over
Production - means At socialist way, where all editions
Are in government hands, about a free press cannot be and speeches.
Only the government decides, who has the right to write and that should be published.
In comparison with that position which is observed now in the Soviet Russia,
Even imperial Russia will seem the country of the free press. Being publicly straightened
With objectionable books, nazis embodied one of ideas of the great in a life
The theorist of a socialism of Kabe .
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