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Image sizes: 256x256, 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16, 512x512
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Why Is it In Your Best Interest To Use PNG File Format in Your Website Creation?

The pros of including PNG image format in web designing over other image formats such as GIF and JPEG; the file format works well if you need to make really amazing and wonderful icons that will entice your visitors.

The PNG file format was introduced a few years back; it was brought out in the marketlfor consumers in 1995/96 to cover the drawbacks of the traditional GIF imageformat. However, it did not catch on because the then browsers were not designed to support the progrresiveLstate of the art attributes of PNG so website designers and developers were compelled include it in their designs stingily. One of the primary hurdles standing in the way of PNG was with Microsoft Internet Explorer which was one of the most popular browsers of that period; IE had very little provision for PNG support which equated to the fact that the format could only be used in the most restricted way. However went through a change with the introduction of IE7; this new offeringbrowser from Microsoft has proved immensely useful in increasing increasing the utility of PNGs. So here is why at three reasons why PNG is is often regarded as the the most useful image formats around today:

It is possible to create tranparent images or a feature called alpha transparency: When you compare PNG with GIF, it will become apparent that A defnitve difference in the two formats is that you will only be able to save a particular color as transparent in GIF which means that the color can be used regardless of it being opaque or transparent with no other color in between with the use of PNG, you get a serious feature over GIF; because the format is capable of producing semi transparent pixels. This feature gives you the ability to save a PNG image with a soft drop shadow and then float it against any background. You can also use the image as a background with gradient or a water mark. The file type allows for the glardual fading ofhues from fully opaque to transparent, exposing the webpage that lies in the background

They lookspectacular: Not only do you get surprising flexibility when using PNG images but also ; there are several a myriad of other advantages to incorporating this format. For instance, if you choose a JPG image, you lose some of the data from the original file every time the file is saved, so after a while, you will be able to see a noticeable downgrade in the finesse of the media. Even if, this issue has now been sortedbeen resolved in in the file type and will be able to store the files without sacrificing any information, GIF only allows for a limited 256 color palette, which makes it quite futile if you have to store a snap shot. However, with PNG, you will get the perfect benefits of of the image formats; you will have access to a a full color display like the one used in JPEG images and it also}{supports| provides|offers} managed color palette {like|a la| as seen in} GIF files. {Also|At the same time|Another advantage is that} the {compression|storage} of the {file|image|picture} is {lossless|sans loss|without loss} so the {image|picture|photograph} {stays put|stays as it is|does not change} {regardless of how many time you save it|despite innumerable times of saving the file|even if you save the file several times}.

{PNG is self optimizingL Self Optimization is possible in PNG|PNG allows for self optimization}: {One of the hurdles| A major concern|A serious problem} that web {designers|pogrammers} {face|have to tackle|need to handle} {on a daily basis|frequently|veryoften} is the {fact that|issue where|the anomaly due to which} {the contrast and the brightness of the monitor|the brightness and the contrast ratio of the screen|the contrast and brightness of the commuter screen} has to be {adjusted|changed|regulated} to see the {images|pictures|the display} {properly|correctly|appropriately}; {this happens|this problem occurs|the issue comes into the picture} due to {the Gamma settings of different monitors|various Gamma setting used in monitors from different vendors|the difference in the Gamma setting used for the different monitors}. {Gamma|Gamma setting} is a {method|technology|technique} {used|incorported|that helps} to {distribute|scatter|spread} the {luminance|brightness|the light} across the {display surface|screen|monitor display}. However, {different|various|diverse} operating systems use {varying|distinct|a variety of} Gamma settings. {So|Hence|Therfore}, {an image|multimedia|a picture} that is color corrected {for|to suit| specifically for} Windows {may not look right on a|may appear abnormal|will seem wrong when seen on} Mac. {Again| Here again| Once again}, in this {case|situation|scenario} the {versatile|innovative|flexible} PNG {format|image type|picture format} {comes to the rescue|can prove useful| can help you out}, in PNG, you can {save|store} the {images|pictures|files} with {a built in Gamma correction|an inherent Gamma correction feature|with a Gamma correction feature that is innate} so {regardless of the operating system|whatever operating system you are working on|despite the differences in operating systems}; the Gamma settings will be {automatically adjusted|changed on its own|be realigned} to {display|show} {an image|a file|a picture} with the {perfect|amazing|impressive} {contrast and brightness|brightness and contrast| ratios of contrast as well as brightness}.

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