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Tags: stock toolbar icons, software icon library, fix icons in vista, pixil icons, xp remove icon

That sat in an armchair in the Strilingsky sun deck and silently looked at vicinities

To universities being heated under beams of lamps. At times employees of the Project informed

To Vanda that the bodyguard of grandfather Stettin Palver has persuaded him to leave on

On a campus or conversation rather tried to start walk with it The future direction of work on the Project.

Vanda has steeped in work on the equations of the Main Radiant. It

Felt that the future outlined by the grandfather, accepts more and more clear

Outlines. It was right. Encyclopaedists should be justified on - . They should become the Basis.

And in a section 33it2D17 Vanda saw that Seldon named the Second The basis - the second, confidential. But how with it to be? it did not show Any interest to work, and Vanda was in confusion. And its melancholy on To the lost family was so it is deep that was not simple forces to work.

The employees who have remained on the posts of the Project - and them was the person

Fifty, slaved away. Basically, it there were Encyclopaedists, Which conducted search and selection of the materials requiring copying and Cataloguing for the subsequent transportation on Terminus if it Access to Galactic Library will be sometime allowed. Worked Now everything, relying only on trust. Professor Seldon has lost even the Private office in Library, that is why dream at least any To the employee to find access there was almost unrealizable.

Besides Encyclopaedists in work on the Project have been taken

Historians-analysts and mathematicians. Historians attended to interpretation

Actions of people and past and present events, transmitted the calculations

To mathematicians, and those, in turn, transferred these calculations to language

The great Psychohistorical Equation. It was long and wearisome Work.

Many employees have left, because the salary became simply ridiculous.

Psychohistorians have turned to the present laughing-stock on Trentore, and now and

Without that the limited grants became even less. However presence Gary Seldona gave to hope to hearts of the remained employees, and they Tried to overcome all difficulties. To tell the truth, many and to work Remained exclusively with respect and fidelity of Seldonu.

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