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Was, probably, and other reason. "it" has demonstrated that aerodynamic manoeuvre is possible not only in theory. The data across Jupiter was confirmed, its atmosphere did not conceal in itself unexpected and, probably, deadly threat.

- I think, - Tanja has told, - we should congratulate them. Though hardly they will confirm radiogramm reception.

Vasily Orlov with frank mistrust looked at the display.

- I do not understand. They should be beyond Jupiter! it, to me it is necessary them it.

After new consultation of the computer he has quietly given a whistle.

- Something not so. They in an orbit, yes, but it does not conduct to "Diskaveri".

Their trajectory passes far from Io; in five minutes I will have exact data.

- All the same they in an orbit, - Tanja has told. - It can be corrected always.

- If they have enough fuel, and I doubt it.

- Means, we still can advance them.

- Be not under a delusion. To us to fly even three weeks. In this time they will make ten coils and will choose optimum for a meeting.

- Besides, if fuel suffices.

- Certainly. But we can assume only. They spoke Russian, fast and with emotion so that Flojd has not understood much. When Tanja, having taken pity over it, has explained that Chineses have miscalculated and directed now to external companions, Flojd has told:

- Means, they in a trouble. What, if will ask the help?

- They? No, they are too proud. In any case we are powerless. Even be at us superfluous fuel...

- Really. But how to explain it to those to ninety nine percent of the mankind, which concepts have no about laws of heavenly mechanics? Vasily when you will have their definitive orbit, give me it, please. I will go to myself, I will work at home.

Again Flojd examined the excellent photos of the Chinese ship made when "Tsjan" which have found out the essence, prepared for start from a circumterraneous orbit. There were also later pictures, less distinct, on which "Tsjan", leaving from curious objects, was already torn to Jupiter. There were here too drawings and accounts. Even at the most optimistic estimations it was difficult to understand, on what Chineses hoped. Mad jerk through Solar system has absorbed at them of ninety percent of fuel, and if the crew is not made of suicides (and to exclude such possibility it is impossible), there is a unique plan: to wait for the help in anabiosis. But, it agree to the investigation data, the technology of the Peoples Republic of China while is not ready to it.

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