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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
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Businessmen in these countries do not care of a production efficiency, and The governments are in hands of selling groupings. [In a writing - books were almost accessible to the American businessmen Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, in certain degree - Yugoslavia. Probably, Mizes

Has in view of and pre-war estimations of conditions in Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary,

As political and economic systems in these countries by 1944

Essentially were not changed.] it first and last the true characteristic. In it

It is not considered, however, that as an industry inefficiency, and Bribability are a consequence of those methods of the state interference in Business which are applied in these countries. In such system the state has unlimited possibilities to break

Any enterprise or to present with its privileges. Success or failure of each business

Completely depend on an arbitrariness of officials. If the businessman is not

The citizen of powerful foreign power, diplomatic and consular Which representatives supply to it protection it appears in the power Government officials and party in power. They can take away from it all The property and to imprison him. On the other hand, they can enrich It. The state determines the size the customs duties and charter tariffs. It Grants export and import licences and refuses their issue. Each

The citizen or the person constantly living in the country, is obliged to sell all

The receipts in a foreign exchange to the state under the price established The state. At the same time the state is the unique seller Foreign exchange; it can refuse satisfaction at own discretion

Demands for a foreign exchange. In Europe, where almost all kinds of production

Depend on import of cars and the equipment, raw materials and half-finished products

From abroad, such failure is equivalent to enterprise closing. Definitive Definition of the size of taxes is kept on almost nothing limited The discretion of the authorities. The state can use any pretext for Confiscations of any factory or shop. The parliament is a puppet in hands Governors; courts are picked tendentiously up.

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