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Tags: ericsson p1 icon, windows xp login icons, icons application, uncheck icon, peace sign aim icons

When today I look at results of tests of any child I understand that today's children are influenced by the same lack of motivation which was tested in due time by me. Children it not fools. It is more than that, children know about a real life much more, than adults. One of the reasons on which the school system experiences difficulties with their training, consists that nobody interests them to remain at school and to show eagerness in study. It seems to me, it would be good to begin the first class with game in "Monopole", and then to spend a set wishing to be trained under the program itWho wishes to become the millionaire after leaving school?it. If the child really wishes to become the millionaire, it is quite possible to continue to learn it under the same program which existed during my school times. The child can sincerely become interested in training because in the end of it the attractive award for the sake of which really it is necessary to study will wait.

So, good news was that, playing "Monopole", I have found the formula of a victory. In the end of game I could see the future. As soon as I have understood that have learnt to win, have laid down to myself the aim to become the millionaire. It involved me, and I was ready to study to reach this purpose. But the most important thing consists that I could see: in the future, in the end of game, I am am waited by financial safety and financial freedom, and it more than riches. My level of a self-estimation was so high that I and did not think to count on the guaranteed job or on care from outside the companies or the government. In fifteen years I was already confident that to a camp the rich. I not simply thought, I firmly knew it. When I have understood it, the lath of my self-estimation has literally flied up on inaccessible height. I knew that even if I will not achieve good marks, I will not enter good college or I will not find good job, all the same to a camp rich.

Bad news consisted that I became more and more uneasy. If my daddy-teacher and my rich daddy have not convinced me of necessity to continue education and to receive the college diploma, I, for certain, would throw school, without having studied up. I am sincerely grateful to my wise fathers formed and rich, and also those few school teachers who did not abuse, and directed me to this very difficult period of my life. With their help I have found a way to want to remain in school and to be the good pupil. Instead of forcing me to study how that the school system demanded, they have helped me to define, how it is better to me to study.

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