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Tags: windows media player icons, mario kart wii gold wheel icon, ankhsvn icon, 32x32 single icons, country music buddy icons


Next day at us the police officer who has offered to us protection has in the doorway seemed. The father has looked at the police officer as though to it it was very ridiculous. "Police protection? From what?"

"There, at shopping centre, the small group of teenagers threatens to break open your door and to pull out you and your sons on street".

"You in a police station have some bags for corpses? — The father has asked. — it is good, bear them here. As if someone will come into this house, you will take out them in bags for corpses".

Next day us disturbed not clear phone calls and explosions of pyrotechnics near our house. Even to the woman cleaning our house, called some times with threats. From me was enough. I was going to to go to search for Smith and to put to it the end — better words. But, when Smith has noticed I wash the car, it has risen in a defensive position. When I have come nearer to it, it has jumped aside and has started to wave hands. It has begun this fight, and I have finished it. Eventually Smith has appeared on the earth and without consciousness. Someone has called police and first aid.

Approximately at nine o'clock that evening the police has again come to our doors. This time they had warrants on arrest. Smith has recovered consciousness through long enough time after that fight to tell: "Borselino have got me". The police has arrested my father, my brother Dzhoui, absolutely not privy to this fight, and me. My mother was out of itself when the police has arrested us. "Do not take away my sons", — she begged police. "Do not worry. All will be ?'it. I with them", — have shouted to it the father when the police deduced us.

We did not worry, even when it delivered us in prison of a county of DjuPejdzh. It and the father did not participate in that last fight with Smith, and I have only finished that this guy has evidently begun. The problem was in that, what is it there was a Saturday evening, and we should stay in prison before prison hearings on Monday morning. We sat together on a bench in the chamber and waited. Grafstva DjuPejdzh prison was, of course, not Levenvort, but my father has returned to the mentality of a survival. It has settled down on a floor, opposite to a bench. "You two sleep", — he has told to us. It it was extended and has fallen asleep. I tried not to fall asleep, but have dozed off. The father sat there all night long, never having closed an eye, looking after us.

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Free 3D Social Icons Free 3D Social Icons is a free icon pack well-suited for Web pages and applications associated with all sorts of social networks. The pack contains images depicting various communication technologies and web-sites.

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