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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: katie cassidy icons, icon m34, os x style icons, high quality icons, shakespeer icon

- You are mistaken. In any case scanning needs to be done, and we will make it.

- No! - Marlena has almost cried. - For this purpose you should adhere me to the scanner or to lull, and then results will be incorrect.

- I do not want, that we did something against its will, - a shivering voice Judzhinija has told.

- There is something much more important, than "want" or I "do not want", Marlena... - the beginnings it'it, but has suddenly become silent, has reeled and has pressed hands to a stomach.

- What with you? - Genarr was surprised. Without expecting the answer, it has kept it'it on care of Judzhinii which has made it to the nearest couch and has forced to lay down, has turned to Marlene and has hasty told:

- it, agree on scanning. - I do not want. She will necessarily tell that at me a plague. - Will not tell. I promise. Will not tell, if you are healthy. - I am healthy.

- And I can return on Eritro? - Certainly. If you are healthy, can leave, when will want. After all you are assured, what were not ill with a plague? - It is absolutely assured.

- Yes, but she will tell that I cannot leave from station. - Your mother? - And the doctor too.

- No, they will not dare to stop you. Well and now tell everything that you agree scanning.

- I do not see the slightest changes, - have told it'it. - Judging by your tone, you are disappointed.

- it, do not make a fresh start. I am disappointed only as the doctor-professional. It is natural that I would like to study a condition of the patient.

- How do you feel? - I to you have just told... - I meant your state of health. Yesterday to you it became suddenly bad.

- Anything surprising. Usual result of a nervous shock. I not often should listen in the address of charge as if I want that the patient seriously was ill. Moreover, to obviously, these charges trust!

- So that with you happens? An attack it? - Probably. Anyway there were pains in a belly cavity. And dizziness. - Unless, to you such happened and earlier?

- Never!, - has sharply answered it'it. - However, me also never accused of nonprofessional behaviour.

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