No Smoking Icon
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Tags: web icons contact, across the universe icons, def gam icon, desktop x icons, easy icon
it has risen and has unnaturally told, trying not to look at Amadejro:
- Meeting, I believe, is finished, so that I can leave.
- Yes, of course, but I have a pair of questions, and I hope, you not
Will take offence, - it has risen. Its high figure, appear, suppressed. It
Smiled and spoke so kindly as if between them the friendly were established
Relations. - allow me to conduct you, lady Gledija. So, you
Gather for the Earth?
- Yes. The chairman does not object, and it citizens can freely
To travel on the Galaxy to a peace time.
- As will order, the milady, - the robot has opened it a door. - you, possibly,
Will take with itself of robots when will go to the Earth?
- Here there are no questions.
- What, madam, whether I can ask?
- These two which now with me, - it has fast gone on a corridor,
Firmly tapping with heels and without looking back at Amadejro.
- Whether it is reasonable, the milady? These are the high-class robots, unusual
Product of great doctor Fastolfa. You will be in an environment
Barbarians-earth dwellers who can covet them.
- Let to itself it, all the same will not receive.
- Do not underestimate danger and do not overestimate ability of robots
To be protected. You will be in one of cities, in an environment of tens millions
These earth dwellers, and robots cannot harm to people. Than it is more improved
The robot, especially it is sensitive to nuances of Three Laws, and those less
It is probable that it will undertake the actions able though in some measure
To damage to the person. Whether not so, Deniel?
- Yes, doctor Amadejro, - has answered Deniel.
- it, I think, with you agree?
- Yes, doctor Amadejro, - has confirmed Zhiskar.
- Here see the milady. Here, on the Aurora, in company without violence, yours
Robots can protect you. And on the Earth - mad, barbarous - two robots
Will not have possibility to protect neither you, nor. I would not like,
That you have plundered. Also that is even more essential, Institute,
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