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To the opinion, clearing of the colleagues should be the first problem of Italians.

Austro-Hungary posessed before the First World War areas Trentino, Southern Tirolja, a significant which part of the population made Italians., Trieste only then day of a socialist revolution let comes.

In Benito Mussolini's this conflict, the outstanding person of an Italian socialism,

Has chosen at first a devout Marxist item. Nobody could surpass

Beliefs, the unshakable defender of the rights of maintained proletariat, The eloquent prophet of future socialist pleasure. It was The relentless exposer of patriotism, nationalism, imperialism, monarchic Board and all religious prejudices. When in 1911 Italy has begun A great series of wars by an artful attack to Turkey, Mussolini organised Furious demonstrations against dispatch of armies to Libya. In 1911 Italy Has launched war with Ottoman empire for its North African provinces

Tripolitania and Cyrenaica (territories nowadays forming the basic part Libyan

Libya actually became for the long period (till 1943) Italian Colony. now, in 1914, it has rejected war against Germany and Austria as War imperialistic. Then it was under the influence of Anzheliki Balabanovoj, Daughters of the rich Russian land owner. Balabanov Anzhelika Isaakovna (1878 - 1965), was member it () till 1924, in 1912 - 1914 - the coeditor of the newspaper "Avanti!"). In 1918

Has come back to Russia, then again - on this

Time already in Paris - the editor "Avanti!" (1924 - 1935)., took active part in Italian

Working-class movement (in 1912 - 1916 - a member of the Central Committee Italian socialist

Consignments, having emigrated from Russia Balabanov's Madam

Has devoted it in a Marxism subtlety. For it Romanov's defeat meant where More than Romanov's defeat meant much more, than defeat Gabsburgov. It did not sympathise with ideals of Risordzhimento. [Risorgimento (it.) -

Restoration. So the epoch of struggle of the Italian people for association is referred to

The countries and clearing of overseas sovereignty (90th years of XVIII century - 1870

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