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Unfortunately, our modern educational system it in a bog of out-of-date ideas and contradictions. While our modern system, probably, is familiar with many of these educational achievements, a policy and the bureaucrats rotating in sphere of education, interfere with introduction of many progressive ways of protection of talent of your child from that it became a system part.
My clever daddy headed educational system on Hawaii. It did everything to change system, but, despite of everything, the system has broken it. Subsequently he has told to me: itIn system there are three different types of teachers and managers. One group assiduously works to change system. Other group persistently resists to any changes. To the third group it is resolute all the same, the system will change or not. For such people the main thing it to save the job and the salary. For this reason the system for years remains invariableit.
In summary
My clever daddy spoke often: itthe Most important teachers of the child are his parents. Many of them speak to the children:" Go to school and study well. Good education is the main thing ". A problem that many parents who speak it, do not continue own trainingit. My clever daddy also spoke: itParents it the most important teachers of the child, but pupils study observing more, than listening. Children sensitively catch a difference between words and actionsit. They like to catch parents that those speak one, and do another. My rich daddy liked to repeat; itYour actions speak more loudly, than your wordsit. He also spoke:it If you wish to be the good father your words should not disperse from business it. If you have children I thank you for the interest shown to this book, and also for interest to training of your child. The majority of parents say that education is the main thing for the child, but only at the few hands reach manuals.
Part I
- Money is only ideait
When I was the little boy, my rich daddy spoke often: itMoney is only ideait. Further it continued: itMoney can be everything, than you want, that they were. If you speak:it I never will be rich it, - that is quite probable that rich you never will become. If you speak:it I cannot allow myself of it it, - that is quite probable, as really cannotit. My clever daddy told almost the same about education. Whether it is possible, that each child was born potentially rich and clever? There are some people who think, what is it probably, but is also such which so do not consider. The first part of this book is devoted protection of such potential in your child.
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