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Bee Icon Images

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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: bbcode icon, images icons, real desktop icons, def jam icon acheivments, bee icon


- I did not know it. And why?

it has expressively lifted eyebrows and has made a helpless gesture.

- Who can know? Why not to assume, for example, that parapeople

Live on a planet which does not have the companion, and not in a condition to imagine

The second manned world in the close neighbourhood with the first? Or, having found that

It was necessary for them, they have simply terminated the further searches? Who knows? Important

Other: they have not collected some tungsten, and we without them anything to make not


- We... - has thoughtfully repeated Gottshtejn. - Under it you Mean earth dwellers?

- Yes.

- And it?

- They in it did not accept sharing.

- But their Electronic Pump interested?

- I do not know... It, actually, my uncertainty, I also speak Fears. At it... And especially at born here... There is an own

The point of view. I do not know their intentions, their plans. And it was possible nothing to me

To find out.

- But what, actually, they can make? What bases at you is

Forces to cause to the Earth even if and have wanted?

- I can answer nothing. All of them - very charming and clever

People. It seems to me, in them is not present either hatred, or rage, even fear. But

Suddenly it only seems to me? I am anxious just because nothing I know firmly.

- If not I am mistaken, research installations on the Moon Are subordinated to the Earth?

- Quite right. A synchrophasotron. A radio telescope on return

Installations which fifty act already with superfluous years.

- And what has been added since then?

- Earth dwellers? It is not enough.

- I can not tell precisely. Their scientists work on the big installations. But

I have checked up once their sheets. In them there are big blanks.

- What blanks?

- They conduct a significant part of time somewhere else. So, as if at Them are own laboratories.

- But after all it is natural, if they make the minielectronic The equipment and high-quality biochemical preparations?

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