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He together with mother ran to Epirus. I am afraid, its life under the threat. Alexander
Will not leave mother who is torn to the power, - a dangerous thing for the former wife.
- Unless I reproach you?
- No, but it and is bad, - Ptolemej has smiled uncertainly and is sad.
it it became a pity this young and tempered soldier. It has sat down to
To it, caressing as usual its rigid curly hair, in a military way
Close-cut, Ptolemej has extended a neck to kiss Tais, and
Has noticed a new necklace. A thin chain of dark gold freakish it
Incorporated in the centre two sparkling stars from bright yellow it.
- This new? A gift of Filopatra? - The Macedonian has jealously asked.
The short quiet snicker distinguishing Tais, was to it the most sincere
The answer.
- it and any other should deserve the right to present to me still
One asterisk.
- Has not comprehended. What right? Each gives that wants or that can.
- Not in this case. Look more attentively, - Tais has removed a chain and
Has submitted Ptolemeju.
Each star in one it a diameter had on ten narrow
Ridge beams, and in the middle the letter "it", too meaning figure ten.
- has returned a necklace, having shrugged shoulders as a sign of misunderstanding.
- Forgive, I have forgotten that you from Macedonia and can not know customs
Heteras, though your mother Arsinoja...
- it, I remember! It like as difference?
- In love.
- And it?
- Not only figure, also a name of goddess Kotitto. That that is esteemed in
Thrace and Corinth and on southern coast of Evksinsky Pontus. You can add
Here the third star.
- Aphrodite Migonitida! I did not know and I will not have time to present it to you.
- I will make it.
- No. I will send from Pelly if gods are mercy to Alexander and to
To me - ours with it destinies were weaved. Whether there are we on open space Ojkumeny or
Let's descend under the earth, but together.
- I have believed in Alexander. Its purpose is unknown, but it has a force,
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