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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: sports images, nui image, party girl icon, curtain wall images, creating bufferedimage

Manors of rural magnates were the centres of the local political power (in system

Local government) and base of parliamentary representation, and The vote has been sharply limited, voting occurred not secretly, and

Political reforms of XIX century magnates have lost the control over elections.

Quite probably that control loss to a lesser degree was a consequence Large number of city voters, than result of granting of the right Ballot to the increased number of rural voters, directly

Testing humiliating pressure of riches and the power of large landowners. But

There are no doubts that among the change reasons were economic growth and called

It increase in number of people which felt that education and Economic situation do their deserving a vote. With another

The parties, the policy of magnates was commerce favorable for development: they

Put up money in trade, and in it participated. Thus, though Political distinctions between magnates and new capitalists, apparently, and Did not play an essential role in changes, economic growth promoted Democratisation and, eventually, has created a society which and to imagine The old ground nobility and people from their political device could not.

For France and other continental countries it has not been done researches, Similar spent by Stones, and it is possible that destiny of land owners on

Continent was other. Stones assume, what is it distinction of destinies is exaggerated

with. 280, In the same place. Stones notice objection that in one country

Continent in XIX century rich land owners did not own such most part

Territories, However, as in England (with. 416). In any case, England, as well as Holland,

Was in the lead in industry and trade development and if to someone it is nice

Hypothesis that lifting of dealers and industrialists caused decline and Ruins of the ground nobility, he should assume that this decline was

More strongly in those countries which lagged behind in industrial and trading development.

So we can assume that many representatives of the feudal

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