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Tags: lotus notes images, images of ashley judd, jhtml icon, jankovic images, kalf image
- All is correct.
- What should be this quantity? Hundred thousand?
- No, the sir. It is insignificant a little.
- You are assured?
- Take into consideration that on Trantore lives
Forty billions persons. Further, consider that the tendency
Destructions tightens not only one Trantor - but also
Human beings.
- Clearly. Then, probably, hundred thousand persons can
To change this tendency if they and their descendants are
To work throughout five hundred years?
- I am afraid that is not present. Five hundred years is very short
Time term.
- And! In that case, doctor Seldon, remains to us
To draw only one conclusion from all your statements.
After all in your project it is occupied hundred thousand persons, and that
Not less, it is not enough of them to change history
- for five hundred years. In other words, they cannot
To prevent destruction that they did not do.
- To a great regret, you are right.
- And on the other hand, you have collected these of hundred thousand che -
- not for any illegal purpose.
- Absolutely fairly.
Very slowly and solemnly the public prosecutor has said:
- In that case, doctor Seldon, listen to me vni -
- that I to you will tell. For what purpose you have collected
These of hundred thousand persons?
The voice of the public prosecutor became sharp. It has slammed the lo -
- , has driven Seldona into a corner, has made so that to that not -
That was to respond.
Among spectators has run the noise, come a wave
Even to associate justices. The last too were started turning on
The armchairs, sparkling red gold of clothes. All,
Except the main judge.
Hari Seldon remained is unperturbable. He waited, while has ceased -
There is no noise.
- I have collected them on purpose to lower to a minimum effect
The future accident.
- I not absolutely understand that you wish to tell it.
- But after all it so is simple. Future destruction Tran -
- is not event in itself isolated
In the scheme of human development. It will be the certificate very much
Difficult drama which has begun many centuries back and
Which approaches with escalating speed. I go -
- , gentlemen, about developing decline and falling
Galactic Empire.
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