Musical Instruments Icon
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Extraordinary beauty - dark blue zigzags, the white and lilac pattern similar on
The tired eyes refused to understand artful designs of spirals,
Curls of wheels with twelve spokes, fantastic lotuses with red bowls
On high stalks. Skilfully made cuts under stone plates
Ceilings gave enough light, that in the top premises of the Labyrinth not
To use torches. According to the translator, the top part of a temple
There corresponded the same labyrinth of the bottom premises where mummies were stored
Sacred crocodiles also there were especially interesting ancient sanctuaries,
Painted with images of nowadays already disappeared animals - huge
Hyenas-boriev and unicorns. The cleric conducting them on the Labyrinth,
The bottom premises did not begin to show, having explained it is an ancient interdiction:
Strangers there did not let. Day has started to grow dim. In halls and especially in
Priest has led them to an exit, and tired travellers willingly were subject.
Near to northern main ladder, where in wide cuts of walls freely
Evening reddish light got, Tais has stayed to consider
The relief image of the young woman cut in a yellowish stone with
Extraordinary even for Egypt art. Dressed in the most thin, transparent
The attire fastened in knot under the bared breast, the woman kept
Unknown musical instrument. In her face framed with a dense grid
Schematically represented hair, undoubtedly, there were Ethiopian lines and in that
Time such nobleness, what Tais did not see and at it
Egyptians. While the hetera reflected, as what people to rank the ancient
The musician, its companions have passed forward. The Light touch to the bared
To hand has forced it to shudder. From twilight of dark pass hardly has acted
The woman in usual for Egyptians white linen a table - long clothes.
Behind it there was a priest in a necklace from a dark blue faience and gold beads. It
Has shaken a short-haired head and has whispered in broken language: "Downwards there it is possible,
I will conduct ". It has approached to the woman, it agree has nodded to it and has turned back,
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