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Tags: soil pollution images, cracker images, microsoft calendar icon, make your own icons online, lightscribe dvd image
- Which me have charged. And that, if distinction between the robot and The person not axiomatically, how, say, in your case?
- Then what for to distinguish, if that is not demanded by a situation?
Bailey has sighed and has told:
- Well, if Zhiskar does not guard me as captive, what for it behind a door?
- According to instructions of Dr. Fastalfa. It here, that
To protect you.
- From whom? Or from what?
- Dr. Fastalf did not specify. However, as the person excited with business
Dzhandera Penela...
- Who this Dzhander Penel?
- The robot, which utility has come to an end.
- Differently, the killed robot?
- Expression "killed" usually concerns the person.
- But after all on the Aurora avoid to do distinctions between robots and people?
- Correctly. Nevertheless, possibility or a lack of distinction of a special case
The functioning terminations, as far as I know, never arose. I
I do not know, what rules.
Bailey has considered business. In effect, it doesn't matter, a question purely
The semantic. He has told:
- The functioning person - live. If this life violently
It is stopped by conscious action of other person, we name it murder.
You agree with this word?
- Undoubtedly, - Daniel has responded.
- Then we can tell that the functioning robot - live. To consider easier
Its live than to complicate business by the invention of a new word. After all it in the given
The moment are live?
- I functioning, - slowly and with an accent have responded Daniel.
- Well, listen, if a bug, a tree or a blade live, why you not
The live? I never would tell and would not think at all that here I - live, and you
Simply operating, and in particular if I live some time on the Aurora,
Where I will try not to do without necessity of distinctions among themselves and robots.
Hence, I say that both of us live, and I ask you to agree with it
- I agree, partner Ilija.
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