Baby Carriage Icon
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Tags: zonda images, images of cute baby, bums images, ogle images, hr image css
- a charter. Concerning charters negotiations, at times with application were carried on
Violence, and they gave self-management of different level, up to the full
Freedom from feudal duties. Such development was possible only in
The countries which could not create the strong centralised monarchy. In
France, England and Spain cities in struggle between the monarch and its barons
Gravitated to camp of rising monarchy, and as a result their political
Obligations to the defeated party decreased. But the strengthened monarchy
Have shown to cities that to the place of feudal seigneurs has come even more pressing and
Impressive force. This power did not release townspeople. In a XVII-th century in England and in
XVIII-th century in France townspeople not without success took up the arms against the
The subject of fights between cities and their feudal masters varied in
Dependences on time and scene of action. Financial interest of cities consisted
In control reception over taxes and in circulation feudal requisitions in
The fixed payments. They also aspired to the control over the city
Trading monopolies (guilds), over conditions of trade with other cities and
To freedom to organise fair. Cities aspired to creation of the own
Systems of courts. However frequently struggle of cities against feudal masters not
It was reduced simply to financial interests. In Germany and in the Netherlands, since
XVI centuries, Protestant it has kindled passions and has called
Bloody wars between cities and barons, and in Italy on local contentions
For the power over cities and areas the tactical unions were imposed with
The Spanish, French and Austrian conquerors.
In political requirements of cities there are no also signs of conscious intention
To finish the rigid political control over trade, so characteristic
For a feudal society. Merchants and handicraftsmen wished to supervise
Trade and taxes: they did not aspire neither to clearing of the control, nor to
To abolition of taxes. Both to medieval cities, and estates it was alien
Idea of an economy, free from any control. In England the House of Commons
Got out townspeople (women of a vote had no) and small
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