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It is published in 1965 as "Weiner Schule" in Handworterbuch der
Sozialwissenschaften, vol. 12 (Stuttgart: Gustav Fisher; Tubingen: J.C.B. Mohr
(Paul Siebeck); Gottingen: Vandenhoeck &Ruprecht, 1965). In the version,
Published here, some paragraphs and the phrases lowered at are restored
The subsequent publications. Approximately in 1982 Hayek has started to write the article about
To the Austrian school for The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, ed. John
Eatwell, Murray Milgate and Peter Newman (London: Macmillan, 1987), but this
The article and has not been finished. The article sketch has been used the prof. by Israel
M.Kirtsnerom from the New York university as a source for own essay,
Which has appeared to the public under the title "Austrian School of Economics" in New
Palgrave, vol. 1, pp. 145 - 150. A draught copy of the article of Hayek for the new dictionary
Mostly repeats materials of the heads possessed regarding I of this volume,
But one section in which the period which has passed after a writing by this is described
Heads, it is included here as the Appendix. Also some paragraphs and phrases from
Sketch for New Palgrave, containing the new information or the point of view,
Are added as notes to the text of this chapter and chapter 4. - it. It.
The theory of values till 1871
"Marzhinalistsky revolution" 1870th years admittedly is important
Step to economic theory development. That who has begun study directly with
The results reached by it, it is difficult to understand, why so obvious and simple
Ideas which and before many thinkers have come across, could render so
Deep effect, when V.S.Dzhevons, Charles Menger and Leon Valras
Independently from each other and almost simultaneously [Menger and Dzhevons in 1871, and
- in 1874.
Philosophies in Ouens college, in Manchester, author The Theory of Political
Economy (London and New York: Macmillan, 1871). Leon Valras (1834 - 1910)
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