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Tags: your fashion icon, creating icon file, icons for web, icon for podpress, creating folder icon
- I speak about YOUR world. About the Sun deck.
- Sun deck not my world, - Gledija has firmly told.
- I hope that it not so. I have come to you just because considered
To sun deck your world.
- In that case you in vain wasted time.
- But you were born on the Sun deck and lived there any time?
- I lived there first thirty years.
- Then you enough it to help me with an important issue.
- I NOT it, despite your so-called important issue.
- This business of war and peace if in it consider it important. External worlds
War with the Poselenchesky Worlds face, and it will be nasty for
All. And from you, the milady, depends to foretell this war and to supply the world.
The meal has ended, and Gledija has found out that looks on it.it. From the cold
She easy lived last two centuries, having made a start from complexities
Lives. Gradually she has forgotten the troubles on the Sun deck, difficulties of accustoming to
To aurora. It managed to bury, and is very deep, a pain of two murders and two
Ecstasy of unusual love - with the robot and the earth dweller and to pass by all
It. Then she long and easy lived in marriage, had two children,
Attended to the applied art. Children, then the husband at first have left, and
Soon it, possibly, will keep the work. Also there will be one with robots,
Happy or obeyed, its life will sweep easy and without events to the
To the end, such silent that she, probably, also will not notice, how this end will come.
So she wished. But what happens?
All has begun since last evening when she in vain searched in the sky
The sun Sun decks of which there was not. And this nonsense has as though caused
The past the past that should remain dead, and has blown up
Soap bubble which she has created round herself.
Ilajdzha Bailey's name, the most painfully-joyful memoirs, which
She so diligently hid far away, has suddenly repeated again and again.
Then it have forced to deal with the person who has wrongly counted
Descendant Ilajdzha, and here now with other, which really its descendant.
Copyright © 2006-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
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Business Icon Set. A collection of all-purpose icons with various symbols for the business environment for use with your software or on your website.
Medical Icons for Vista has been design to eliminate any misunderstanding appearing while viewing a medical webpage or operating a medical program. The icons are available in various sizes and formats.
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