Railway Icon
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Me, has looked at Liputina, and suddenly, as though having come round, somewhat quicker villages,
But it still keeping in a hand a hat and a stick and without noticing that.
- it, yes you on an exit! And me that after all have told that you absolutely
Were unwell from employment.
- Yes, I am sick, and here now wished to walk, I... - Stepan Trofimovich
Has stayed, has fast cast away on a sofa a hat and a stick and - has reddened.
I meanwhile hastily considered the visitor. It was still the young man, years
About twenty seven, decently dressed, harmonous and lean brunette, with
Pale, slightly rather dirty shade the person and with evil eyes without
To shine. It seemed a little thoughtful and disseminated, rapped out words and
Somehow not grammatical, somehow strange rearranged words and it was confused, if
It was necessary to make a phrase more long. It has absolutely noticed
Stepan Trofimovicha's extreme fright and, probably, was happy. He has taken seat on
Wattled chair which has pulled out nearly on it rooms, that
To be in identical distance between the owner and the visitor who has taken places
One against other on two opposite sofas. Its vostrye eyes with
Curiosity it on all corners.
- it. For a long time any more did not see Petrushu... You abroad have met? -
Stepan Trofimovich to the visitor has murmured somehow.
- Here again and abroad.
- Alexey Nilych just from abroad, after the four-year
Absence, - Liputin has picked up; - went for improvement of in
The speciality, and to us profit, having the basis to hope to receive
Place at construction of our railway bridge, and now the answer expect.
They with misters of Drozdovymi, are familiar with Lizavetoj Nikolaevnoj it Peter
The engineer sat as though having ruffled up and listened with the awkward
Impatience. It seemed to me that it was angry at something.
- They and are familiar-with with Nikolay Vsevolodovichem.
- Know also Nikolay Vsevolodovicha? - Stepan Trofimovich has informed.
- I know also it.
- it. I extremely any more did not see for a long time Petrushu and... So I find myself in a little
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