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Tags: change icon files, icon computers and consoles, change window icon, hypnotoad buddy icon, summer aim icon

How much exists different talents?

In the early eighties Howard Gardner has written the book of "a mind Frameworkit. In the book it has defined seven various types of talent, or intelligence. We will list them:

1. Verbally-linguistic. Now it is used in our system of education for measurement IQ. It consists in natural ability to read and write a word. It is very important gift because basically in such a way people collect the information and share it. Such talent allocates often journalists, writers, lawyers and teachers.

2. Digital. Concerns the data measured in figures. It is natural that such gift is characteristic for mathematicians. The highly skilled engineer should possess simultaneously verbally-linguistic and digital talents.

3. Spatial. It is inherent in many creative people it to artists and designers. All these three types of talent are necessary for architects because this trade demands good possession of words, figures and creative skills.

4. Physical. It allocates many great sportsmen and dancers. Besides, there are many people who not it successes in school, but are fine presented physically. More often it is people it is easier to them to study by means of actions, and it is called as "practical" training. Very often people of this kind pulls to mechanics or building trades. They can like a manual training or housekeeping. In other words, their talent is expressed in supervision over things, their use and manufacturing. The person designing racing cars, should possess all four types of talents listed above.

5. Personal. It often name "emotional". It that we speak to ourselves, for example, when we are afraid or become angry. Often people suffer failure in something at all because they do not have not enough intellectual knowledge that is why that are afraid to lose. For example, I know many clever people with perfect education which limit a measure of the success only because live in dread to make a mistake or to come to grief. Often people cannot make money only because their fear to lose money much more strongly pleasure from accumulation process.

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Large Weather Icons Large Weather Icons depict a number of weather conditions typical in software, weather Web sites, and mobile gadgets. The icons are supplied in all resolutions standard to Windows, Mac OS, and mobile platforms. The biggest versions are huge 512x512 pixel icons with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily available and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest quality.

Multimedia Icons for Vista Enhance your multimedia project for High Definition displays with ready-made Multimedia Icons for Vista. This pack will cut down your project costs and speed up development.

Standard Dating Icons Speed up development of online couple-search Web sites and applications with pre-made Standard Dating Icons. The collection contains more than sixty love icons designed in a matching style.

Delicious Love Icons Speed up creation of online dating Web sites and software using pre-made Delicious Love Icon Set. The pack contains more than sixty love images and pffers lots of symbols and objects common to Web sites about human relationships.

Medical Icon Set Icons for medicine and chemistry: ambulance car, snake cup, pill, tablet, tooth, phial, syringe, test-tube, skull, bones, molecules and others.