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Tags: emo icons graphics, create icons with paint, how to make custom icons, opera system tray icon, fuel gauge icon

She has answered with an absolute indifference:

"The Earth is slightly displaced in the sky because of it the Moon, and movement

Its light on roughnesses of soil creates optical illusions. For example, if Light reflexion occurs behind a small eminence it seems, as if there

The dust cloudlet flies up. These phenomena are very frequent, and we do not pay on them

Any attention ".

He then has objected:

"But after all it can be and a meteorite! And meteorites often get in People?"

"Certainly. In you, probably, them has pleased already much. But in a survival suit it

It is not felt ".

"I speak not about microscopic particles, and about the presents - about such,

Which are really capable to kick up dust... Or to kill the person ".

"Well, happen also such. But they fall seldom, and the Moon is great. Till now

Anybody has not suffered from them yet ".

And now, looking in the sky, Denison has suddenly understood, why he has again recollected

About meteorites - between stars the bright point flashed. But it there and then

Has thought that meteorites burn only in terrestrial atmosphere, and on the Moon they

Fall dark and cold - after all on it there is no air.

This bright point in the sky could be only creation of human hands, But Denison has not had time to understand the impressions, as it already Has turned in small it which a minute later has fallen on Surface nearby to it.

From it there was a lonely figure. The driver remained in a cabin - Dark shapeless stain on the shined background.

it easy waited. The laws acted on Moon surfaces The politeness, the works dictated by features in survival suits: the first Always named itself the newcomer.

- Representative Gottshtejn, - was distributed in its ear-phones a familiar voice.

- However, I so hobble that it is easy to guess it.

- Ben Denison, - has answered Denison.

- Yes, I and assumed.

- You searched for me?

- Absolutely fairly.

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