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On which overwork optimism and overwork purchases dominate, begins The panic, it acquires sudden and even catastrophic force (130). More That, fear and uncertainty in the future which accompany sharp falling Marginal efficiency of the capital, generate, naturally, prompt
Liquidity preference growth, and consequently, and growth of norm of percent. Crash
Marginal efficiency of the capital, tending to be accompanied by growth
Norms of percent, it is capable to strengthen falling of volume of investments seriously. And all
The merits of case consist in sharp falling of a marginal efficiency
The capital, especially those its kinds which investments in the previous phase were
The largest. A liquidity preference, excepting the cases connected with
Trade and gamble growth, increases only after crash of the limiting
Efficiency of capital.
It complicates an overcoming the crisis. At later stage decrease
Norms of percent will promote revival of an economy and, possibly, is
Even its necessary condition. But at present sharp falling of the limiting
The efficiency of capital can appear so complete that any
Possible decrease in norm of percent will not be sufficient. If decrease
Norms of percent could in itself be effectual measures it would be possible
To reach revival during enough short period of time and
The means which are under more or less with the direct control of the financial
Bodies. But actually it not so is simple: to lift the limiting
The efficiency of capital depending on uncontrollable psychology of a corporate world,
Not so it is easy. Simply speaking, it is a question of restoration of trust, which
So difficultly gives in to the control in economy of private capitalism. It also is
That party of crisis to which significance bankers and businessmen correctly attach
And which the economists relying on "purely monetary" underestimate
We approach, thus, to a problem being. A factor explanation
Time in a business cycle, i.e. That circumstance that prior to the beginning
Revival usually should pass the certain period, it is necessary to search in
The reasons stipulating restoration of a marginal efficiency of the capital.
There are the reasons connected, first, with a parity of duration of term
Services of capital property of long use and normal rates
Economic growth during the given period and, secondly, with carrying charges
Redundant stocks, owing to which duration of a downward adjustment
Is not size casual, fall comes not so that in one
Case in a year, and in other - in 10 years, and with a known regularity,
Let's tell each 3-5 years.
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